Spells and Rtuals

5 cinnamon rituals to attract luck, money and prosperity

Here are 5 easy ways to use cinnamon to attract money and promote the energies of wealth in your life.

Cinnamon is the ancient spice of fortune (quick fortune), prosperity and protection. Indeed, cinnamon is very useful in rituals for luck in life and warding off negativity that might exist in your home.

In the world of esotericism and white magic, one of the most used elements for rituals of prosperity and abundance is cinnamon. To attract money using cinnamon, you will have an excellent ally, because this spice has already proven itself.

History teaches us that cinnamon has been used since ancient Egypt to attract money. Its powerful vibration even places it as an excellent ingredient for positively changing a person’s financial situation.

Ritual 1 with cinnamon

This is truly one of the easiest cinnamon rituals to do. Sprinkle cinnamon on top of the money in your wallet.

Ritual 2 with cinnamon

Wash your floors (all rooms) with a few drops of cinnamon essential oil in the washing water

Ritual 3 with cinnamon

On the first of each month, go to the front door of your house, apartment or work, with a handful of cinnamon powder in your right hand. Blow on the cinnamon from the outside to the inside of the place where you are, imagining the prosperity and success that will enter your home.

To get even more results, you can recite this text just before blowing on the cinnamon:

After blowing on the cinnamon powder, leave it on the ground for 24 hours, until the end of the first day of the month. For this ritual to work, it is important to do it with a willing heart.

Like a fairy, I breathe into you wonderful energies of abundance…

Also Read : Money Ritual that work. Put Clove in your wallet

Ritual 4 with cinnamon

Cinnamon Incense elevates your consciousness to the frequency of abundance. With its high, gentle and pure vibrations, this wealth-loving incense reminds you that abundance is your natural state and that you are worthy of money and all things wonderful!

Yes, Cinnamon attracts money! When burning incense sticks, you significantly increase your chances of making more money!

Ritual 5 with cinnamon


-Cinnamon powder
-Orange zest


Take a little cinnamon, an orange zest and mix them in a liter of boiling water. Pour the liquid into a spray bottle, then try to spread it throughout the house. Before doing so, you can also light a green candle to bring serenity and calm to your life.

As you spread the cinnamon mixture throughout your home, pray to God to help you change your financial situation and open paths of prosperity in your life. You should let the candle burn for at least an hour.