
Here is how to have blue eyes naturally

Many people want to have blue eyes to make their gaze more intense or to bring out their seductive side. Whatever the reason, it is possible to have blue eyes naturally.

If you are looking for these solutions, you will be very happy to discover them in this article. Even if having this type of eyes is genetic, applying our advice can help you change the color of your eyes.

Is it possible to change eye color naturally?

As we said before, the color of the eyes is linked to the genetic identity of everyone. It is therefore similar to that of hair or skin. As you will have understood, in order to be able to change the color of your eyes permanently, your genetic code or your cellular structure must necessarily change.

In other words, only surgery can help you in this direction. The color that we perceive in the eyes is determined by the amount of melanin in everyone. If it is clear or blue, it is because of an insufficient amount of melanin in the iris. On the other hand, when it is excessive, the eyes take on the brown color.

When they are born, many babies have blue eyes because the body has not yet produced enough melanin. In view of all this, it must therefore be said that it is impossible to naturally give the color blue to your eyes.

What are the easiest ways to get blue eyes?

Although there are no natural tricks that can help you get blue eyes, there are still some others that can help you give the illusion of having blue eyes. Alongside these tips, there are others that are less simple but will still allow you to have blue eyes.

The use of blue lenses

Wearing the lenses is a fairly common practice among people who want to give their eyes another color. These accessories perfectly give the illusion of having clear eyes. Without the need for surgery, the lenses give your eyes a real blue impression.

To have these accessories, it is generally advisable to be consulted by a specialist. He can then prescribe you a pair of lenses that will not damage your eyes. The use of an ophthalmologist is especially essential for people who wear glasses. That said, you should know that the models found in disguise stores are dangerous.

They should be worn for a brief period. If their use is prolonged, the risks associated with eye problems increase. So always buy your lenses from a professional.

Perform aesthetic annular keratopigmentation

Unlike the previous method, this one involves surgery. This method is the most used. If it is so popular, it is because it allows you to go beyond the cape of illusion to more or less reach that of reality.

Keratopigmentation refers to coloring of the outside of the eye, particularly the cornea. When the specialist injects the blue color into the cornea, it covers the iris. By doing so, your custom eyes don’t look much different from the natural ones.

However, unlike the previous tip, this one has the disadvantage of not being accessible to everyone. Indeed, to have blue eyes using this method, you have to pay around 7,200 euros. Certainly the colored lenses are classic, they are much cheaper than that. On top of that, they are less risky.

In short, eye color is a phenomenon linked to the genetic identity of everyone. Therefore, seeking to modify it is not an action without risks. However, there are some tricks that present more or less limited risks. If you want to give your eyes another color, you can choose between contact lenses and keratopigmentation.

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