Spells and Rtuals

How to steal someone else’s destiny? Try this ritual and spell

YES! It is possible to steal someone else’s destiny by following this powerful ritual with just Rain water, Sea salt and the Sun. I got this from my grandfather who was one of the most powerful man in my village.

If you are reading this, it is because you probably wants to steal soneome elses destny. The question i am asking myself is why would you want to take someone’s destiny? Every one has his or her own desitny already designe after our creation.

You might think just because someone is successful today, does not mean he or she will remain successful forever. That person’s destiny tomorrow might be your worst nightmare so stealing it means freeing that person from that disastrous future.

The ritual to steal someone else’s destiny is relatively easy and cheap contrary to what you might be thinking.

Ritual and spell to steal someone else’s destiny

You will need just 6 tools for this ritual to work which are

  • Rain water
  • Sun ( If you leave in a place where there is no sun, this won’t work for you)
  • Sea salt
  • Any object owned by that person such as his toothbrush, clothes, pants etc
  • A glass jar
  • A picture of the person (You can downlaod it from facebook pr whatsapp and print it)

[ Also Read : Ritual to free yourself from bewitchment and enchantment ]

How to proceed

The first think to do is to collect rain water. When i say collect rain water i mean straight from the sky without it touching any other surface like your zinc or the floor.

You should collect this rainwater with the glass jar which must have a capacity of atleast 2 liters or more.

Add 7 spoons of sea salt. the large grains sea salt. You can buy this in the market. Make sure it is sea salt because if they sell you something else it won’t work

Add the any object owned by that person. It could be his toothbrush, hair, pant. Something that is frequently use by that person.

The next step is to add his picture inside the glass Jar and close it lid. Put it under the sun for seven days. Make sure no one should see it, so if you have a farm far away from the city, that should be the right place to keep it.

After thé seventh days, take the glass jar, raise it to the sky call the persons anem and say these words seven times : ” As i am raising this glass jar to the sky, your destiny now belongs to me ”(7X).

Break the glass jar inside a river, no matter the size and that is it. You have stolen someone else’s destiny. You should start seeing result after 6 months or a year as tis does not work within a second.

Also Read : Try this ritual to overcome bad luck and attract positive energy and good luck