Spells and Rtuals

Mirror time 12:12 p.m. – true meaning

Did you just see 12:12 p.m on your clock.? Discover the hidden message behind this mirror hour . Here is the meaning12:12 om

You have a strong energy within you that can even be brutal at times. This is what the 12:12 p.m. checkmate card indicates. It would be beneficial for you to learn how to channel it. If you have addictions, a good way to control yourself is to visualize the lightness you will have if you do not succumb to easy pleasures. 

Try to calm your overflowing energy and move forward in peace with yourself. You are a complete person and you don’t need anything material to be happy now. 

Meaning of 12:12 p.m. professional: 

The time 12:12 p.m. indicates personnel changes in your work. You should soon move up the ladder because you are a reliable person and appreciated by your peers. 

You may change jobs but it will be for the best. In any case, maintain confidence in yourself because you have professional qualities that are appreciated and of great value.

Mirror hour 12:12 p.m. summary: 

You are a person filled with strength and values. Learn to channel this great energy and you will move straight towards success. This is the time for you to imagine and dream because the universe is listening to you and putting plans in place to meet your requests. Don’t hesitate to invite your angels to your side if you are feeling down. you can also practice meditation which will help you calm your overwhelming mind. )

Accept the gifts in your life

 Life and the people around us have many material and intangible gifts to give us. It is essential to know how to accept them. 

But unfortunately, you may be closed to receiving them. The ability to receive is something that is often unconscious. Knowing how to receive is a quality that is often unrecognized, like knowing how to give. 

However, there must be someone to receive so that giving can be possible. This is why it is as important to welcome with gratitude what is given to us as it is to be generous in turn. 

By accepting every little gift that life offers you, you anchor within yourself the following thought “life brings me more and more of what I need” Sometimes we don’t think we deserve demonstrations of love or gifts of the part of others and we then say:

  •  “It’s for me ?
  •  But no, you shouldn’t have” or “I don’t deserve that much”… By doing that, you unconsciously think: 
  • “I don’t have enough value for life to bring me this abundance”

 It is important to accept the gifts of life so that we can align ourselves with abundance! Abundance is received! 

Indeed, by accepting gifts, of whatever nature they may be, you say “yes” to receiving and you send out this intention to the universe which will then be able to give you more. You open your capacity to receive! 

Do not hesitate ! 

You deserve everything life gives you. Take, without beating yourself up, the best in everything and you will automatically attract an abundance of good things into your life. Knowing how to receive also means accepting moral help when we need it. 

Take everything that we are willing to give you and you will be richer and richer, financial abundance will follow!

 Exercise of the day: Remember memories of gifts you were given, or attention paid to you.

How did you react, whether you expressed it or not? 

Gifts and/or attention that touched me: 

How did you react, what did you think and why?

If you feel embarrassed or uncomfortable in any way, your ability to receive is out of balance.

 I invite you to train yourself to accept, without embarrassment, the gifts and other attentions given to you.

  •  Does a colleague bring croissants to your work in the morning? 

“Thank you, I’m happy!” 

  • Do we give you compliments? 

“Thank you, I’m touched!” 

Feel in your heart the gratitude you feel for all these free gifts. You will not be liable. 

A gift is a gift!  

You are free to give back or not, unlike an exchange. Free gifts and generosity exist, you are neither less good nor inferior when you accept them without giving in return in the moment. You can extrapolate this attitude to all the little gifts in life.

For example, when, in a crowded store, you are about to queue at the checkouts at the supermarket, a checkout opens right next to you allowing you to pay for your purchases immediately. 

“Thank you life for this gift which saves me an endless wait at the checkouts!”

 Take everything with joy and those around you will be happy for you too!