hi guys welcome back to our website so today we’ll be showing you guys how to make a really effective and potent hair growth oil. we have been using this all recently and we have been seeing amazing results. this oil is a herbal ayurvedic oil that is so effective for hair growth.
The Rosemary, fenugreek and black seed hair growth herbal oil mix is so powerful because every single ingredient is literally a hair growth agent and once it’s all mixed together it stimulates your hair follicles to produce hair growth.
In addition to that guys this smells amazing and this is all due to all the ayurvedic ingredients especially the super potent fresh rosemary leaves so if you want to learn how to make this hair oil and help your hair green like weeds keep reading this article till the end.
Ingredients needed
Black cumin seeds

So the very first ingredients that we’ll be adding to our hair growth oil is flax seeds. this is also known as black cumin seeds. black seed is known to have anti-inflammatory properties and are great when diluted with the carrier oil.
This oil targets an array of scalp conditions so it is definitely great for those of you suffering from hair lice or scalp diseases. black seed oil is so potent it is actually considered an essential oil due to its anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties. this is probably the reason why it is so effective in the growing certain thinning areas of hair on your scalp.
In order to soak the black seeds effectively in a carrier oil, you would need to blend the seeds till they are in a crushed or powdered form, then allows it to steep into the oil faster and easier.
Fenugreek seeds

The second ingredient we’ll be adding to this oil is fenugreek seeds. fenugreek is one of our all-time favorites ayurvedic hair growth agents. it is a well-known hair growth booster and it contains thickening properties due to the protein it contains. fenugreek contains large amounts of lecithin which hydrates the hair and strengthens the roots of the hair follicle. Fenugreek plays in moisturizing and strengthening agents which minimizes hair breakage and allows your hair to thrive.
RoseMary leaves

The third ingredients we’ll be adding to this oil is rosemary leaves. now Rosemary is the most potent and effective in plant form but if you absolutely cannot find it anywhere, I would say that Rosemary essential oil can be used. but when it’s in plant form, it smells amazing. You have to try it as rosemary leaves promote growth in the scalp thereby restoring hair growth in areas where it was lacking. it also improves blood circulation which as a result prevents hair follicles from being stuffed or blood supply dying off or leading to hair loss
lastly due to his anti-inflammatory properties rosemary leaves help heal dandruff itchy scalp or overall poor scalp health
Extra virgin olive oil
Our fourth ingredients in this hair oil is extra virgin olive oil. this is a lightweight moisture rising oil that conditions the hair and stimulates growth by reducing the buildup of sebum. Extra virgin olive oil is also rich in vitamin K and vitamin E which help to reduce dandruff and make hair follicles healthy and strong
Castor oil
The fifth ingredient is also a carrier oil and this is the Jamaican black castor oil. This is a very popular oil and it’s usually best to go with the sunny hour brand or as we run out of it we decided to use this local branded one
Jamaican black castor oil is a heavy oil which is known to lock in moisture whilst making your hair thicker and longer this is due to the omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids. black castor oil nourish the scalp strengthen the hair roots as well as improved blood flow to your scalp. This oil reduces split ends, it treats dandruff and it conditions your hair which makes your hair super moisturized.
Peppermint oil

Our final ingredient of this hair oil is one of our favorite essential oils and that is peppermint oil. Many instances of hair loss actually occur due to staffed blood flow to our hair follicles but this is where peppermint oil thrives as the Menthol and peppermint oil is known to improve that blood flow in addition to that it serves as a stimulant that increases circulation and potentially improves hair growth. this is why you have that tingling sensation on your scalp that simply means that it’s opening up blood flow to stimulate hair growth within your scalp.
How to proceed
It is day three and we have decided to drain our oil. if you would like you could actually leave this oil to store for more than three days. you could try to do about maybe a week but we felt three days was enough and now we are ready to strain our oil.
Another thing is if you would like this all super potent super effective you could actually use the oil with all of the ingredients within it but we decided not to because all of these ingredients could probably get stuck in your hair. Well if you are using maybe a nozzle or you’re using an oil dropper, you could actually leave all these ingredients within the oil whilst using it.
But do note that there is an expiry date for that I would say maybe don’t use it past a month because of all the natural ingredients within it. So now your hair oil is ready to use. Just apply fews drops on your hair deep inside and sleep with it overnigth.
After 7 days, you will see results. I have been using this hair oil and i have had amazing results but ik would like you guys to try it.